Monday, June 30, 2008

Free On-Line Strategy Games Part I

Among the genres of online games that play best on the internet especially for those using slower connections such as dial-up is Strategy games. They vary from being turn based or real-time with the former being very tolerant of slower connections with high lag. Here's a compilation of the better strategy games thats available online without costing any of your moolah's to enjoy them....Game Away...

1. OGame - Yes a very odd name for any game, but this is a colony building strategy game based in space, very similar to one of my favorite games with a similar theme (Overload aka Supremacy), the added bonus is of course you'll be playing against another human and thats alot more entertaining that playing against a computer. Check it out at OGame.

2. Quantum Legecy - Prefer something with an Real Time Strategy flavor? then check out Quantum Legecy. A very polished RTS with both a single and multiplayer option and its free. You can check out a demo of the game via your browser but its a pretty heavy download. Check it out at Quantum Legecy.

3. Unification Wars - A MMMO Strategy based game with a theme of space conquest which can be accomplished via diplomacy or brute force. Graphics are very polished and the most important thing is that there are alot of players online when i last check it out (250+). Give it a spin at Unification Wars

4. Tribal Wars - If you prefer something more down to earth and with a more medival feel to it, then you need to try this, there are a couple of online medival strategy games I've tried previously, most of them had pretty badly done graphics but this is not bad (dont expect Crysis level graphics). Tribal Wars.

More to come.....


Anonymous said...

Out of those games you have listed, Ogame is the single BEST GAME. It has hundreds of thousands of players on different servers across the world. I personally play on .org servers.
Anyway if your going to play Ogame don't forget to check out ( they have tips, strategies, tools, skins, calculators + much more.
Happy raiding.

Kuda_Nil said...

I'm checking out tribal wars. It taking forever to upgrade to another level!